National electricity production fell by 4.5% at the end of October 2020, after a 7.4% drop at the end of June, and a consolidation of 19.5% a year earlier, according to the Directorate of Studies and Financial Forecasts (DEPF).
This change is the result of the withdrawal of 14.8% of production by the ONEE, 1.8% of private production and 3.7% of production from the bills of Law 13-09, slightly eased by the increase of 58.4% in the contribution of national third parties, explains the DEPF in its December 2020 economic outlook note.
Imports of electrical energy increased by 38.6% at the end of October 2020, instead of +76.6% at the end of June and -87% a year earlier. As for net energy called, it has decreased by 2%, after -4% and +4.5% respectively.
Electricity consumption fell by 2.8% in the first ten months of 2020, after a 4.9% drop at the end of June, covering a 4.9% decline in sales of very high, high and medium voltage energy, mitigated by a 3.4% increase in low voltage energy sales.
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