The Minister of Health and Social Protection, Khalid Ait Taleb, expressed on Saturday his thanks to the ministry’s executives and civil servants for their sacrifices and self-sacrifice in carrying out their missions since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.
“In the exceptional situation that our country is going through with the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic, in recognition of the giant and distinguished efforts made by the officials and managers of the Ministry, with the support of all partners and stakeholders, and in homage to their abnegation and invaluable sacrifices during this sudden health crisis and this critical stage, I am pleased to express my thanks and gratitude to all the medical, technical and administrative officials and managers of the Ministry for the high sense of citizenship, responsibility and unconditional commitment they have demonstrated in the face of these major health challenges and this unprecedented situation,” Mr. Ait Taleb said in a message. Ait Taleb in a message.
He continued: “Today, as we are on the eve of the second year of the first cases of Covid-19, I can only highly commend the women and men of the public and private health sectors for the great sacrifices they have made, the colossal and valiant efforts they have selflessly made, and through which they have drawn epics that arouse admiration and pride, They have spent themselves without counting the cost and exposed themselves to dangers to help their brothers (citizens) affected by the epidemic and to ensure the continuity of public service in the hospitals, in difficult conditions and despite the lack of staff and the overload of work, day and night and every day of the week”.
These tireless efforts “have resulted in performances that undoubtedly confirm the unquestionable and tangible success of the national vaccination campaign and reinforce the Kingdom’s achievements in managing the pandemic, which are recognised by all around the world,” he said.
“This success is the fruit of the farsighted vision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, and of the high royal instructions, which have driven the combined efforts of public sectors and institutions, local and security authorities, private companies and economic operators,” the minister said, paying tribute to the support for this mobilization of ministerial departments, the various security bodies, civil society and the media.
At the end, the Minister launched an appeal to maintain this momentum of mobilisation, to show the same state of mind and to be armed with the conviction as to the nobility of the mission devolved to the women and men of health in the implementation of the projects which make the sector, both private and public, a national priority, In particular, the generalisation of medical coverage, the encouragement of a national pharmaceutical industry (manufacture of vaccines and medical products, local consumption, increase in exports and job creation) and the project of the public health service as a project aiming at the development of human resources.
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