More than 5,000 people recently attended the teachings of Rabbi Yoel Pinto, who is currently in Israel conducting a marathon of Torah lessons, strengthening faith, and Hasidic teachings across dozens of cities in Israel.
Rabbi Yoel Pinto is the eldest son and successor to his father, the Admor Rabbi Yashiyahu Pinto, and in recent years, he has served as the long arm of his father in the spiritual management of dozens of yeshivas and study halls of ‘Shuva Israel’.
The peak of the current strengthening campaign in Israel was marked last Shabbat, during Parashat Korach. Rabbi YoelPinto spent Shabbat in Ashdod, where he conducted numerous Torah lessons.
On Saturday night, a lesson was held in the hall of the Shuva Israel yeshiva in Neighborhood Yud-Bet, where Sabbath prayers were also held. Afterwards, Sabbath meals took place at the home of the Admor Rabbi Pinto in Neighborhood Yud-Aleph.
The Sabbath meal ended around two hours after midnight. Rabbi Yoel Pinto delivered Torah teachings and Hasidic insights, captivating the large audience that gathered from all over the city of Ashdod for hours.
“Despair and sadness are the maladies of our generation; through them, the evil inclination seeks to bring us down. The moment a person introduces joy into their life and serves the Holy One, blessed be He, with the joy of fulfilling a commandment, they receive the strength for success and salvation,” Rabbi Yoel Pinto strengthened the audience.
“We see in every weekly Torah portion the failures of the people of Israel after the exodus from Egypt and after the Sinai revelation—they stemmed from their complaints and lamentations,” he added. “True, we all face difficulties in life, but the Holy One, blessed be He, wants us to seek the good and bring joy, because truly everything that God does in the world is for the good.”
Also, on Saturday night, a Torah lesson dedicated to the commemoration of the righteous Joseph the Tzaddik, whose passing is marked in Jewish communities on the first of Tammuz, was held. Thousands participated in this commemoration, which lasted late into the night.
This week as well, Rabbi Yoel Pinto continues his marathon of Torah teachings in dozens of cities across Israel, bringing the blessings of his father, the Admor Rabbi Yashiyahu Pinto, wherever he goes.
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