A recent report published by the Office of the High Commissioner for Planning on international migration 2018-2019 confirmed that Arab countries were attracting people with vocational training and a level of education not exceeding secondary school. Meanwhile, most Moroccan skills were migrating to Canada, the United States and some European countries, such as France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany.
Immigrants residing in North America have the highest level of education compared to those in European countries newly involved in receiving migrants. 33.5% of immigrants have a higher level of education, while 33.7% have attained secondary education, compared with 16.9% with no more than primary education and 10.2% with no education at all.
The fields of training of immigrants are as follows: commerce and management (23.7%); information and communication (10.9%); engineering and technology (10%); law (6.7%); languages (6.3%); health (5.3%); statistics (5%).
In terms of the sectors that attract the most people, information and communication comes first (12.9% for men and 8.1% for women); engineering (12.2% for men, against 7.7% for women); mathematics and statistics (5.7% for men, against 4.2% for women), followed by physical sciences (4.9% for men and 3% for women).
The HCP report indicates that 27.4% of Moroccan immigrants have a second nationality, the majority of which are women, with 33.3%, against 24.6% of men, adding that obtaining nationality increases with age.
In its first phase, the report focused on Moroccans residing abroad, the return of immigrants and immigration intentions for non-migrants, while its second phase focused on refugees, asylum seekers, illegal immigrants and migrants whose situation has been regularized.
The survey was carried out on a sample of 15,000 families.
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