At its weekly meeting chaired by Habib El Malki, the office of the House of Representatives stressed the importance of the major issues resulting from the repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic on the economy, the informal sector, social protection and medical coverage.
The bureau of the chamber thus highlighted the important role of the legislative institution in contributing and mobilising in the service of all the major projects under way, through the elaboration of appropriate solutions and proposals.
The office also praised the national effort of the Moroccan people in their fight against the spread of the pandemic and the spirit of solidarity that prevailed during the difficult times that the Kingdom has gone through, like other countries in the world.
On this occasion, the President of the Chamber recalled the particular importance of the decisions taken by the organs of the Chamber concerning preventive measures, commending the efforts of the representatives of the nation in implementing measures to preserve their security in the performance of their national mission.
With regard to parliamentary oversight, the chamber’s bureau discussed ways to breathe new life into the weekly sessions, thus enabling efficiency and in-depth knowledge of the issues to be debated and enshrining the principle of interactivity with the Government.
Moreover, after recalling the experience adopted during the period of sanitary confinement, based on questions followed by debate and the usual system of question sessions, the institution decided to prepare an indicative document taking into consideration the various observations and recommendations made by the different components of the chamber in order to devote greater efficiency to this weekly monitoring activity.
With regard to legislative action, the Bureau was informed of the pace of the committees, referring to the importance of the texts adopted by the House during the current session, which number 26 legislative texts.
With regard to the reports of the exploratory missions, the office examined the reports drawn up on the consulates of the Kingdom of Morocco and the situation of certain penitentiary establishments.
Finally, the president of the chamber and the members of the bureau recalled the significant events that have characterised the past year, notably the successive victories of the first national cause and the diplomatic achievements in favour of the Kingdom’s territorial integrity.
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