According to the Moroccan Observatory of the tiny and medium enterprises, the region of Casablanca-Settat gathered in 2020 nearly 35% of the creations of companies Moral Persons (PM), against 36% in 2019, according to the Moroccan Observatory of the tiny and medium enterprise (OMTPME). “A significant share of new business creations Legal Persons (MP) in 2020, that is 34.8% against 36% in 2019, was recorded at the level of the region of Casablanca-Settat,” underlines the Observatory in the second edition of its annual report.
Rabat-Salé-Kénitra and Tangier-Tétouan-Al Hoceima follow the region, respectively, with 14.6% and 11.2% shares, the OMTPME said, specifying that the population analyzed is 55,037 PM companies.
In 2019, the distribution of business creations by section of activities shows that the section “trade, repair of automobiles and motorcycles” represented 30% of the total against 28.8% in 2018, the same source points out, noting that it is followed by the sections “construction” and “specialized, scientific and technical activities” with respective shares of 21.4% and 9.2%.
According to the Observatory, for “transport and storage” and “administrative and support services,” these proportions are 8.2% and 8%, respectively.
The report also points out that almost all the companies created in 2019 are microenterprises, those with a turnover of more than 3 million dirhams (MDH), having represented about 2% of these creations.
An examination of the distribution of PM business creations by legal form confirms the downward trend of limited liability companies (LLCs) over the 2017-2019 period. Indeed, the latter represented 45.4% of total creations in 2019 against 48.3% in 2017.
On the other hand, the share of single-partner LLCs increased by 2.6 points to 49.6% from 47% in 2017, the same source said.
The Observatory has counted a total of 571,989 enterprises in its consolidated database, based on data provided by the General Directorate of Taxes (DGI), the National Social Security Fund (CNSS), and the Moroccan Office of Industrial and Commercial Property (OMPIC). This figure includes 303,013 active legal entities (EPMA) and 268,976 active physical entities (EPPA).
The OMTPME report also traces the first impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on employment in 2020 and also takes stock of the Observatory’s first strategic plan 2017-2020, and presents the orientations of its Board of Directors regarding the second three-year plan.
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