The official kick-off of the 2021-2022 hunting season in the different regions of the Kingdom will be on Sunday, October 3, the Department of Water and Forests announced on Saturday.
In order to ensure the smooth running of this hunting season, the Department of Water and Forests has taken a series of measures, including the establishment and renewal of leasing contracts for the benefit of associations and tourist hunting companies, the establishment of regulations governing the exercise of hunting, says a statement from the department.
Other measures concern the mobilization of management units for the verification and restoration of the new set of reserves and the publication on the department’s website of maps of leased territories, open or closed to hunting, the same source adds.
About 80,000 hunters practice this activity in Morocco and more than 1,215 associations have hunting leases on an area of more than 3 million hectares, the statement said, noting that these areas are subject to investments in terms of hunting facilities, anti-poaching and restocking of game.
During this year, 290 leasing contracts were concluded, including 80 new contracts and 210 renewed contracts for the benefit of hunting associations and societies, covering an area of about 400,000 hectares, the department said.
The 2021-2022 season is characterized by the setting aside of new territories where hunting will be closed during the period 2021-2024, on an area of about 13 million hectares to allow for the recovery of game.
Other territories are open to hunting after a 3-year closure period. The delimitation of these reserves as well as that of the hunting regulations can be consulted on the website of the Department of Water and Forests.
With regard to the regulation of certain species that have become harmful, the press release continues, this season is marked by the implementation, for the second consecutive year, of the new system of control of wild boar populations, based on the preventive programming of regulation operations.
This new procedure, instituted by ministerial decree, is intended to avoid the administrative delays that can affect the effectiveness of regulation operations. Indeed, hunters interested in wild boar regulation are no longer called upon to obtain authorizations from the Provincial Water and Forestry Directorates, but are required to make declarations online via a web application prepared for this purpose.
The department notes, moreover, that during the 2020-2021 season, the number of wild boar regulation operations carried out amounts to 1498, during which nearly 7,600 wild boars were killed. This year’s program has identified 360 black spots across the national territory and provides for the realization of 1600 operations.
Given the current health situation related to Covid-19, the Department of Water and Forests calls on all hunters to respect the health measures dictated by the competent authorities. A practical guide to hunting in the context of Covid-19 has been published by the department and can be downloaded from the department’s website, the statement concluded.
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