In accordance with the provisions of Article 49 of the Constitution, the Minister of Economy and Finance made a presentation to His Majesty the King on the General Guidelines of the Finance Bill for the year 2022, during the Council of Ministers that took place this Sunday.
Mrs. Nadia Fettah Alaoui said that this project was developed in a context marked by the emergence of signs of recovery of the national economy, the lessons learned from the management of the pandemic crisis and the beginning of the implementation of the Development Model as a national responsibility requiring the participation of all energies and forces of the country.
The government has ensured that the Finance Bill is a starting point for the implementation of the Royal High Directions and the government programme.
The General Guidelines of the 2022 Finance Bill are based on the following axes:
Firstly: Consolidating the foundations for the recovery of the national economy, in order to enable the various sectors to regain their dynamism as well as to improve their capacity to preserve jobs and create others. This also includes the continued implementation of the National Economic Recovery Plan as well as the operationalization of the Mohammed VI Fund for Investment, the implementation of the Investment Charter, the improvement of the business climate and the implementation of the framework law on tax reform.
The government will take urgent measures to support young people in terms of employment, encourage the initiatives of young people with projects in the agricultural field, and breathe new life into the “Intilaka” programme through the launch of a new project “Al Forssa” which aims to finance young people’s projects without any prior conditions.
Secondly: The strengthening of inclusion mechanisms and the advancement in the generalization of social protection, as a priority construction site that enjoys the High Solicitude of His Majesty the King. In addition to the continued implementation of the generalization of the Basic Compulsory Health Insurance for the benefit of non-salaried workers, the year 2022 will mark the launch of the second phase of this major project, which aims at expanding the beneficiary population to the vulnerable and poor categories currently benefiting from the Medical Assistance Scheme “RAMED”.
At the same time, the necessary measures will be taken for the gradual generalization of family allowances, through the implementation of the Unified Social Register, and special attention will be paid to the social integration of persons with disabilities, in addition to making the promotion of gender equality in various economic and social areas one of the priorities of government action.
Thirdly: The strengthening of human capital, by taking the necessary measures to enable the public school to regain its dual role of knowledge transfer and social promotion.
In this context, particular attention will be paid to speeding up the generalization of pre-school education, strengthening the basic knowledge of children from primary school onwards and supporting the education of children from deprived categories, especially in rural areas. It is also a question of ensuring the reform of the teacher training system and the rehabilitation of training centres.
In application of the High Royal Directions, the government will work to launch a profound reform of the health system in order to rehabilitate the health sector and accompany the generalization of social protection.
Fourthly: the reform of the public sector and the reinforcement of the governance mechanisms, through the acceleration of the implementation of the advanced regionalization project, the implementation of the necessary measures for the concretization of the provisions of the framework law relating to the reform of the Public Establishments and Enterprises, and the operationalization of the National Agency of the Strategic Management of the State’s Participations
It is also the acceleration of the reform of the administration, through the activation of the Charter of public services and the construction site of the simplification of the administrative procedures, the generalization of the digital administration, as well as the concretization of the Charter of the administrative deconcentration.
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