The decline of the Omicron wave continues at the national level, for the second consecutive week, with a rapid speed, assured, Monday, the coordinator of the National Center for Emergency Operations of Public Health at the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, Mouad Mrabet.
In a post published Monday on his LinkedIn account, which assesses “the epidemiological situation of the SARS-CoV-2 infection as of 06/02/2022”, the official stressed that the decline in new infections with a weekly change “Weekly change” has reached -52%, the decline in the weekly positivity rate is 21.8% to 14.9%, while the number of reproduction of SARS-CoV-2 in Morocco, as of the aforementioned date is 0.80 (+/- 0.01). “
This indicator (number of reproduction) is < 1 in all regions except the Oriental,” he said. However, he warned that the viral circulation remains high, with a less intense degree of transmission for the last 4 weeks, estimating in this respect that the “passage to the moderate level is expected most probably next week”.
That said, Mouad Mrabet warned that the risk of a resurgence of cases in the near future “is not zero but unlikely”. Hence the interest to remain vigilant and to respect the preventive measures in force.
Regarding severe cases of infection, the doctor noted that the peak was reached in the week of 24-30 January and the first week of the downward phase of new admissions to intensive care was initiated in the week of 31 January to 6 February with a Weekly Change of -29%.
The effective reproduction rate (Rt
) calculated on the basis of new cases of Covidose (severe cases) as of 06 February is 0.93 (+/- 0.04), he reported in his publication.
Concerning the case fatality rate, Mrabet pointed out that it has stagnated over the last two weeks. However, the situation remains alarming given that since the beginning of the month, 193 deaths have been recorded, representing a case fatality rate of 1.4%. “
The peak is reached and continues for the second week with a weekly specific mortality rate of 6.3 deaths/1 million inhabitants,” said Mrabet. In this sense, he added that this rate was much higher among the unvaccinated (zero dose): 28.3 deaths/1 million inhabitants not vaccinated, excluding children aged 11 and under.
The official also gave advice on how to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic, including the third dose of the vaccine, respect for individual preventive measures and compliance with the national treatment protocol.
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