These projects are part of the National Water Plan (PNE) 2020-2050 and the National Program for Drinking Water Supply and Irrigation (PNAEPI) 2020-2027 and the master plans for integrated water resources development in hydraulic basins.
“The study will be managed in a coordinated manner involving different stakeholders,” says the Directorate of Research and Water Planning.
These are different water basins, namely the Sebou basin (Tafrant dam, Sidi Mokhfi dam, dam on Oued Aoudiyar and the raising of the Bouhouda dam), the Tensift basin (Bouidel dam on Oued Tensift, Tafedna dam, potential dam sites on Oued Nfis), the Oum Er-Rbia basin (Tiyoughza dam), the Moulouya basin (Machraa Saf Saf dam, Tilidainine dam, Khémiss dam) and the Bouregreg-Chaouia basin (Boukhmis dam).
The study will be done in three batches, the first batch concerns the Sebou hydraulic basin. 4 MDH will be devoted to this study.
The second concerns the Tensift and Oum Er-Rbi water basins, with a budget of 2.34 MDH.
As for the third, it concerns the Moulouya and Bouregreg-Chaouia water basins. The studies are estimated at 2.26 MDH.
A call for tenders for the selection of engineering firms has been launched, whose missions will focus on the establishment of an environmental and social management plan, the assessment of impacts on the natural and socio-economic environment of water development projects and the evaluation of the economic profitability of water development projects.
September 12 of the current year, at 10 am will be the date of the opening of bids.
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