The Association of Regions of Morocco (ARM) held an emergency meeting in Rabat, devoted to the examination of the situation of drought and shortage of water resources that the various regions of the Kingdom, due to the scarcity of rainfall this year.
This meeting was also an opportunity, according to the same source, to exchange views and propose possible solutions that will have a direct positive impact on the water supply of the population and livestock.
The presidents of the regional councils are committed to combining their efforts in a framework of complementarity and solidarity between regions, while calling for close coordination with the government to find radical and structural solutions and take urgent action to address this situation.
Emphasis was placed, in this context, on the need to simplify administrative procedures in order to implement water projects as soon as possible, and to involve the regional councils, alongside the government departments concerned, in the search for solutions to overcome the consequences of drought.
It was thus agreed to hold a meeting with the head and members of the government to discuss in more detail this issue and the approach to be followed in the implementation of measures and recommendations related thereto.
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