Presented during the first session of the 2ème mandate of the Higher Council of Education, Training and Scientific Research, a report from the Ministry of Economic Inclusion, Small Business, Employment and Skills has drawn up an unsatisfactory report on the salary situation of vocational training graduates. According to this report, 6% of the graduates receive a monthly salary of 4,000 dirhams, 14% receive a salary between 3,000 and 4,000 dirhams, 47% receive a monthly salary between 2,000 and 3,000 dirhams, while 28% receive a salary between 1,000 and 2,000 dirhams.
In terms of access to the job market, the report points out that the obstacles to integration into the job market are poor employment opportunities (78%), the lack of professional experience of the graduates (6%), and difficult working conditions (2.3%).
In addition, the report notes that vocational training graduates tend to come from low-income families, and 59% of them had dropped out of school.
To remedy this situation and promote the chances of economic inclusion of young people, the report states that more than 662,000 people have benefited from vocational training in all regions of Morocco, including 408,000 in the Office of Vocational Training and Work Promotion, 139,429 in other public sectors, about 92,000 in private vocational training, and 15,525 beneficiaries of vocational training in companies and centers affiliated with associations.
In addition, the report, presented by the Minister, Younes Sekkouri, said that the vocational training system has been strengthened by the creation of 38 new training institutions, but also institutions with delegated management in partnership with professionals in the field.
In addition, 9 new boarding schools have been added to vocational training institutions, bringing the total number of boarding schools to 148, accommodating over 22,500 beneficiaries.
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