The Court of First Instance of Ain Sbaa has ruled in the case between the journalist Mohamed Tijini and rapper Taha Fahssi, aka ElGrande Toto.
In a statement to Ralia, Tijini’s lawyer, Mohamed Makrout said the court sentenced the artist to eight months in prison suspended, in addition to a fine of 10,000 dirhams.
Last October, recall, Tijini had filed a complaint with the General Prosecutor’s Office of Casablanca against ElGrande Toto for ʺdiffamation and threatsʺ. The journalist had explained that this action comes after the publication of a video by the rapper, in which he would have threatened to end his life at his place of residence in Belgium.
ʺDon’t kid yourself, you may be in Belgium, but that doesn’t mean I can’t get to you. If I ever catch you there, you won’t understand what’s happening to you,” El Grande Toto had said.
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