Four days after the discovery of the bodies of two young women in El Jadida, one in a charred wasteland and the other in an apartment, investigators have just arrested a person suspected of being behind the first crime.
The mystery surrounding one of the two corpses found separately in El Jadida (see our issue no. 5561 of Tuesday December 19, 2023) has just been solved with the arrest of a suspect, according to a judicial source. According to the same source, a fifty-nine year-old charlatan was arrested on the night of Tuesday December 19, in the douar El Ghadbane in the rural commune of Moulay AbdellahAmghar, in the province of El Jadida.
The investigation carried out by the El JadidaGendarmerie Regional Command, in coordination with the Gendarmerie’s National Judicial Investigation Brigade in Rabat, led to the identification of the culprit, whom the victim, who lived in Casablanca, often visited in the El Ghadbanedouar. The investigators appear to have used video surveillance cameras installed in cafés, commercial premises and homes to follow the itinerary of a car in which the corpse was transported to the vacant lot where it was burnt, leaving no trace of the victim’s identity.
The investigators noticed, again through video surveillance, that the suspect had used the same route to return home. Although the suspect tried to erase all traces of his crime, firstly by burning the corpse and secondly by taking complex and difficult-to-trace routes to dispose of the body, the detectives, who worked like an ant, managed to solve this crime. They still have to solve the second murder, that of a young woman whose body was found on the same day, Friday December 15, in an apartment in the Essalam district of El Jadida.
This double murder dates back to mid-December, when the body of the first young woman was found burnt to a crisp not far from the Nouassra douar in the El Haouzia commune. When investigators tried to call one of the relatives of a young woman who had disappeared in unspecified circumstances to confirm or deny whether it was her, they received no reply. They went to his apartment in the Essalamdistrict of El Jadida. And there was a nasty surprise. They discovered the body of another young woman
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