onvicted of assault and battery resulting in death without intent to kill, a 40-year-old man was recently sentenced by the Criminal Division of the Court of Appeal to 20 years’ imprisonment.
The crime dates back to April last year, and took place in the El Mnasra douar in the rural commune of Kridid in the province of Sidi Bennour. Local gendarmes learned that a man had just been seriously injured by blows from a shovel. On arriving at the El Mnasra douar, the investigators were informed that the person in question had been taken to hospital in Safi, along with another person who had also suffered an ear injury.
Only a few minutes later, investigators were informed that the seriously injured man had died. Investigations were launched and led to the identification of the perpetrator. He was arrested and confessed to having hit the victim, who was under the influence of alcohol, with a shovel. During questioning, he explained that the victim attacked him whenever she was drunk. He couldn’t take it anymore. And as soon as he was about to provoke him, the last time, he couldn’t hold his nerve and grabbed the shovel and hit him without intending to kill him. During the examination of his case, his defense lawyer revealed that he was suffering from a mental disorder and had been undergoing treatment for a long time.
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