Though Noureddine Lekhmari was born in Safi, his great love for the city of Casablanca is yet unique. The memories from his childhood visit to the economic capital of Morocco with his mum will forever last in his memory and remains a great influence on his career as a film director.
Lakhmari lived in Norway for many years; he studied there and got married to a Norwish lady but will always want to return to his beloved city Casablanca where he finally settled and made stories about his successful movies.
Following his first short productions his talent became known to the journalists and media critics, notably “The Newspapers seller” and “The Silent Struggle” films which won the Norwegian Best Short Film Award in 1993 before shooting his first long movie “Nazhra” in his city Safi with a strong view to the colonialism of the kingdom of Morocco. The failure of the film affected the producer ideology in cinema despite attaining excellence on a production level.
Then the “Casa Negra” film in 2008 changed his career for good, making a lot of success due to its outstanding production, casting and pure Casablanca inspired dialogues, not to mention that the movie won him a lot of local and international awards.
Lahkmari followed it up with three other films about his beloved city showing a great personality. He was known for his good management to his upcoming actors by helping them discover their talent by giving them roles that can push them and boost their career as he did with the late Hassan Skali and Mohamed Ben-Ibrahim.
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