The “Evy Action” organization for media production and the Moroccan-American network in the United States are organizing the International Media Forum in the American capital Washington D.C. at the beginning of November.
The forum will be an opportunity to share and exchange experiences in the field of communication and media in all their forms, traditional, digital, electronic etc., just as it will ensure that it adopts an objective and distinct vision with regard to exchanges between specialists and professionals, that it follows the evolution of the global media landscape by focusing on the challenges and aspirations of public and modern media, that it presents the position of audiovisual media and some examples of Moroccan experiences, evolving within the global media landscape, and that it does not ignore the specificity of the Moroccan experience within the Arab media space and its evolution in recent years.
The Forum will also discuss the implications and impacts of the problems faced by the international media on local trends and opportunities for the development of this sector or the risks of its shrinking and decline.
This event will also be an opportunity to discover young experiences and talents in the field of media and communication, to listen to a new generation of journalists, while discovering their needs, their positions with regard to events on the various media scenes and their vision of the future.
The main theme around which the debates will be structured is the “image of women in the media”, and more particularly the stereotypical image of women in the Moroccan and Arab media; an image that remains far from reflecting the tremendous advances made by society in promoting women’s rights and from monitoring, as it should be, their positive achievements in various political, economic, social and cultural fields.
Because, although women have obtained their rights to education, work and political participation, this development has not been adequately reflected and promoted by the media.
In addition, the media should play a development role through the dissemination of new ideas and trends to support women’s participation in development efforts and to consolidate their contribution to the advancement of society.
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