After the Crisis, it Will Be Necessary to Reorganize Tourism in Morocco

The tourism sector, on which Morocco has been investing for years, has been hit hard by the economic crisis. Hotels that have been closed all over the country for more than a month without any revenue, even though their staff and maintenance costs are generally considerable. According to estimates by the National Tourism Confederation (CNT), the industry is expecting a drop in occupancy of up to 98% over the next three months.

In terms of turnover, the CNT forecasts a loss of 34 MMDH (3.3 million USD) for the entire sector, including 14 MMDH (1.3 million USD) for the hotel industry alone during this period. And there is no doubt that the borders will remain closed for a fairly long time to come.

As a result, the Ministry and the Moroccan National Tourist Office (ONMT) will have no other choice in order to save the sector than to work on a new strategic plan focused on the revival of national tourism.

As soon as they have the right to a little more freedom, Moroccans wishing to escape will take refuge in the most beautiful destinations of the kingdom. The operators will then have to put in place the best offers for the local tourist, so that each social category can enjoy their holidays. We know it: the high cost of some of our hotels pushes many Moroccans to choose foreign destinations, and to go more often to the other side of the Mediterranean where the offer is more attractive. The Kingdom’s hoteliers will definitely have to break this situation, because they are aware that their turnover will now rest on the shoulders of Moroccans. And even if tourists from all over the world will one day return to visit “the most beautiful country in the world”, it will be necessary to rethink, in the long term, the tourism strategy. Because, ultimately, if the Moroccan feels very well at home, he will only contribute to the revival of the national economy.

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