Markets are normally supplied with all goods and products and the supply largely covers needs during Ramadan, while the prices of most products are stable, assured the inter-ministerial commission in charge of monitoring supply, quality and price control operations.
“The information available from the various ministerial departments and public bodies, show that the markets are normally supplied with all goods and products and that the supply largely covers the estimated needs for the coming months, which will make it possible to meet the demand for all goods and products,” the department of General Affairs and Governance under the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Administrative Reform said in a statement.
Thus, the supply of cereals and legumes is equivalent to four months’ consumption, without taking into account the quantities currently being imported after the suspension of customs duties, the statement said, adding that for fruit and vegetables, the areas sown and the estimated production will cover needs until the end of the current year.
Fish stocks are expected to increase following the gradual resumption of fishing activity following the suspension of fishing due to the state of health emergency, which will coincide with the improvement in weather conditions, adds the same source.
Regarding product prices, the committee noted that most of them are stable compared to previous weeks, pointing out that average vegetable prices continued to decline compared to the previous week, reaching rates of +6% for green onions, -4% for tomatoes and more than -3% for potatoes.
The inter-ministerial commission met under the chairmanship of the Department of General Affairs and Governance and with the participation of ministerial departments and member public authorities, to take stock of the measures undertaken by the concerned services on the situation of supply, prices and control and on the status of measures undertaken in preparation for the month of Ramadan, especially concerning the availability of goods and products most consumed during this holy month.
The committee will continue to hold regular meetings to follow the development of the market situation, the level of supply and prices and the balance sheet of the interventions of the control committees to deal with any type of fraud, monopolization, speculation or price manipulation.
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