If you are looking for some programs to feed your feminist enthusiasm during the confinement. This is a short list for you that challenge patriarchy.
During confinement, Netflix opted to reduce its uploads, yet the feminist fervor is still strong. here are a few suggestions of programs to watch to keep your feminist urges alive.
Netflix got a full schedule for Ramadan with Hayao Miyazaki’s movies including the fabulous Mononoke Princess, not to mention the April calendar, which promises to be just as exciting, with the return of La Casa de Papel. Netflix is also full of old favorites, so it’s about time you start catching up.
below is our selection of feminist works. Something to confront patriarchy while sitting on your couch.
12 Series to Watch Without Hesitation
As its name suggests, Self-Made (2020) tells the story of C.J. Walker, the first millionaire female in the United States. This five-episode mini-series narrates the story of her journey as a black businesswoman in a country where slavery has just been suppressed. The series also addresses rare subjects such as racism.
In the same context, Dear White People (2017) features the imaginary campus of the University of Winchester. In the first four seasons, the story begins with a “blackface” scandal, then continues through episodes that follow heroine Sam White, host of a podcast entitled “Dear White People”. The series deals with sexism, racism, identity issues, all this mixed with the characters’ love problems and career aspirations.
In She’ s Gotta Have It (2017), we follow another black heroine, Nola Darling, a broke artist living in Brooklyn. The series, adapted from Spike Lee’s film, tells the story of how she lives her polyamory and her identity as a black-American artist on a very elitist New York scene.
For those who like cop thrillers and crime series, Unbelievable (2019) is probably the series to watch. In this true based story, two female detectives reopen a closed investigation after a rape victim is accused of fabricating the story.
More recently, Feel Good (2020) entered the drama category: in six episodes, director Mae Martin directs herself in her own role. We follow her love affair with Georgia and her troubles as a former drug addict.
Let’s not forget the platform classics: Jane The Virgin (2014, 5 seasons), Sex Education (2019, 2 seasons), One Day at a Time (2017, 3 seasons), Sabrina’s New Adventures (2018, 3 seasons), Good Girls (2018, 3 seasons), Orange is the New Black (2013, 7 seasons), Jessica Jones (2015, 3 seasons). And if you prefer documentaries, here are three good reasons to watch the mini-series Sex, Explained ( 2020, 1 season) narrated by Janelle Monaé.
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