The Technopark celebrated its twentieth anniversary on Wednesday in Casablanca, during a ceremony marked by the presence of the Minister Delegate in charge of the Digital Transition and the Reform of the Administration, Ghita Mezzour.
Under the theme “20 years at the service of innovative entrepreneurship”, this event was an opportunity to review the two decades of the Technopark as a driving force for support and the creation of synergies between public and private initiatives.
In a statement on this occasion, Mezzour said that the Technopark is “a great project” that has helped some 3,000 companies and created more than 15,000 direct and indirect jobs, expressing his pride in this project that contributes to making Morocco “a regional hub in terms of digitalization”.
For her part, Lamiae Benmakhlouf, General Manager of the Moroccan Information Technopark Company (MITC), the company that manages Morocco’s Technoparks, emphasised that the Technopark has given a real boost to technological start-ups and accompanied a whole generation of digital industries in Morocco.
“We are delighted to have experienced the birth of an innovative and dynamic entrepreneurial ecosystem,” she said, adding that the Technopark supports its start-ups on many levels, from networking to access to finance, skills and the market.
The startups hosted by the Technopark reach a success rate of 86% after 18 months of incubation and a sustainability rate of 89% after 5 years of support, she said.
After pointing out that 25% of these startups are exported internationally, mainly to Europe and sub-Saharan Africa, Benmakhlouf assured that the future ambitions of the Technopark are in line with the orientations of the New Development Model (NMD).
“Digital and entrepreneurial support are two important and transversal levers to promote the modernisation of strategic sectors and the prosperity of the national economy,” she said.
The Technopark’s mission is to support young people with innovative projects in the sectors of new technologies, Green Tech and cultural industries, as well as in the new growth professions, both at regional and national level.
It is committed to a local approach by investing in new territories and by applying the duplication of a model that provides solutions and generates results over the medium and long term.
After Casablanca, Rabat, Tangier and Agadir, the operationalisation of the Technoparks of Fez, Tiznit and Oujda is underway. This project aims to support and stimulate the potential for the creation and development of start-ups throughout the country.
Supported by a large network of partners and members of the ecosystem, the Technopark has been working for two decades to support innovative project leaders.
The Technopark pathway promotes inclusion in an innovative approach by investing in new territories and deploying a studied and tailor-made support offer for a better competitiveness of strategic sectors in our country.
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