The national artistic scene is in mourning. A pillar of Moroccan theatre passed away on 28 January. Abdelkader El Badaoui died on Friday in a Rabat hospital at the age of 88. The late El Badaoui never ceased to invest body and soul and to sacrifice himself to promote the theatre. The Badaoui theatre is considered an institution. It has trained generations of actors whose value today is undeniable. It has been included in the academic curricula of many Moroccan, Arab and international universities. Abdelkader El Badaoui was one of the names that set the first milestones and pillars of Moroccan theatre. He has always remained faithful to his principles and his art that respects the Moroccan spectator. Considered the father of militant theatre, Abdelkader El Badaoui was the first actor to use this art form as a platform for mobilisation and struggle for his country. The El Badaoui family can be proud to have a member who gave its letters of nobility to national theatre, including children’s theatre.
The theatrical experience of this native of Tangiers in 1934 is among the currents, indeed the schools, that have marked the Moroccan stage. During his 50-year artistic career, he alternated between scriptwriting, directing and acting. The deceased enriched the Moroccan artistic scene with hundreds of television and theatrical works within the framework of the “Badaoui” theatre company, alongside his brother, the theatrical artist Abderrazzak El Badaoui, which lasted from 1965 to 1995. He left to posterity a rich palette of productions, “Al Hariboune”, “Ghita”, “Al Atiloune”, “Yad Achar”, “Ras Derb”, “L’employé renvoyé”, “Sacrifice et douleur”, “Généalogie”, in addition to several television series, such as “Namadij bachariya” and “Nafida Aâla Moujtamâa”.
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