According to the latest data, the filling rate of the dams is 30.2% while it was 46.5% last year. It is therefore almost a feat that water is still flowing freely in our taps! The wildest rumors had circulated on the Web about this, making people believe that Casablancans would suffer restrictions in drinking water. Fortunately, it was a fake news.
But from fiction to reality, the shortcut is sometimes very quick in Morocco. It must be said that saving water is obviously not one of our priorities. But this will have to change and the citizens of large cities will have to be more aware. Fortunately, the seawater desalination plant, which should be completed by 2026 in Casablanca-Settat, will be beneficial.
A public-private partnership which plans the realization of this work with a capacity of 548.000 m³ per day, in a first time. There is no doubt that this model of station will save the region in the years to come since the climatic forecasts worsen from year to year, and that it will certainly be even hotter… in 2026.
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