GI3, a company specializing in green innovation, has invested 60 MDH in this solar water heater factory installed in Ain Johra (Tifelt circle). The development work of this factory, named Mysol, will eventually contribute to the strengthening of the units making up the Industrial Park of Ain Johra in Tifelt.
Mysol will have a production capacity of 40,000 units of solar water heaters per year, stamped with the label “Made in Morocco”, with an industrial integration rate of 90%, and will rise to 90,000 by integrating the export to markets like Europe and the Middle East.
Gi3’s ambitions are not limited to solar water heaters, the company intends to launch several other projects in Africa and in the Middle East/North Africa region (MENA)
Badr ikken, a well-known figure in the green energy sector, is executive chairman of Gi3. In addition to his duties as CEO, he is co-chairman of the Green Energy Park and vice-chairman of the Green Economy Commission of the CGEM. In 2021, he was appointed vice-chairman of the first Green Hydrogen Cluster in Africa, “Cluster Green H2”.
The MYSOL CES plant will create about a hundred direct jobs and more than a thousand indirect jobs. It will be the first industrial link in the development of a new sector with high added value.
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