Conceived in partnership with the Rabita Mohammadia des Oulémas, the conference was attended by a host of experts gathered around three panels: “the new models of data governance”, “the moral reference for the respect of privacy in a civilization of data” and “the major international philosophies of circulation of personal data”.
In addition, the conference focused on “data altruism” which refers to the consent of individuals to use their personal data for purposes of general interest, including those related to scientific research or the improvement of public services.
The conference was characterized by the presentation of the United Nations experience in this field through its former rapporteur on the right to privacy, Joe Cannataci.
During his speech, the president of the CNDP, Omar Seghrouchni, considered that “it is futile to lock the personal data in a safe and prohibit sharing and exchange in the digital age. The important thing is that “the protection must cover the circulation of personal data”, he insisted, adding that “all links in the chain of circulation must be regulated and covered by a jurisdiction.
This conference was also marked by the announcement of a stamp issue commemorating the 17th edition of the International Day of Personal Data Protection, the result of a partnership between the CNDP and Barid Al-Maghrib.
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