The number of visas requested has thus increased by 137.7% for 2021-2022, as well as for visas issued (+137.1). In this regard, the consular services of France have received a total of nearly 2,336,299 visa applications, of which 500,433 were refused and 1,738,151 issued, explains the document.
Figures that leave much to be desired…
Note that visas issued to foreigners are divided into three categories: transit visas, short-stay visas and long-stay visas.
The number of Schengen short-stay visas issued has tripled compared to 2021, especially for those granted for “student”, an increase of 238.6%, as well as visas granted for tourists (+224.9%). However, it is stressed that these figures remain very modest and well “below” those recorded before Covid.
Nevertheless, the document highlights an increase of 20.9% in 2022 at the level of long-stay visas, or about 277,038 visas in 2022 including 159,068 VLS-TS (Visa Long Séjour Valant titre de séjour).
This report lists the top 15 nationalities in terms of visa issuance. Thus, India leads the ranking with 158,619 visas issued, or +250%, followed by Morocco with 142,921 visas issued, recording an increase of 105.9% compared to 2021, followed by Algeria (131,264) and Turkey (103,310).
In 2021, it is specified, the largest number of visas granted concerned Moroccan nationals with 69,408 visas, against 346,032 visas granted in 2019, followed by Algerians (63,649) and Saudis (60,292).
“Despite a pronounced dynamic in 2022, the three nationalities of the Maghreb (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia), which account for 360,821 visas, had obtained a total of 766,299 in 2019, more than double,” says the document.
The Directorate thus makes known that these figures remain “provisional” pending a final version to be published in June 2023.
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