A twenty-five year old drug trafficker was sentenced to three and a half years in prison by the Correctional Chamber of the Court of First Instance of Imintanout. This young drug trafficker, who was the subject of a dozen research notes nationwide, was nabbed after a raid by the elements of the Royal Gendarmerie of Mejjat on his farm located in douar Ezennada under the rural municipality of Douirane, in the province of Chichaoua. A quantity of one kilo of cannabis and a large sum of money, fruit of his illegal trade, were seized during this operation against drug trafficking. In addition, another drug trafficker, who was the subject of six research notes nationwide, was arrested in the neighborhood Ighzer Netsrafen, located in Imintanout in the province of Chichaoua. He was caught while preparing to liquidate a large quantity of hashish before being brought, Wednesday, January 25, before the prosecutor of the King at the Court of First Instance of Imintanout. Before the same court, a notorious drug trafficker who had been wanted for several months was brought before the court on Tuesday, January 24. The raid conducted by the police on a place set up for his business located not far from Oued Chichaoua overlooking the douar Ibrachen under the rural town of Ait Hadi, resulted in the seizure of 60 kg of kif stem, 7 kg of hashish and several dozen liters of brandy.
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