The hunger strike of the candidates reopens the controversy around the results of the lawyers’ exam. “Unable to manage this crisis” according to his detractors, Abdelatif Ouahbi is accused of ignoring the suffering of candidates and putting their lives in danger.
After six days, the hunger strike led by the rejected candidates of the lawyers’ exam continues, causing concern and indignation. Reviving the controversy around the controversial results of the examination of fitness to practice as a lawyer, this hunger strike led by 15 candidates has lasted for a week. Taking refuge in the premises of a human rights association in Temara, the strikers are demanding compensation for damages and the cancellation of the results deemed “dubious” and “falsified”.
“Every day, the candidates on strike are close to death and every day one of them is rushed to hospital. A tragedy that risks taking lives while the Minister of Justice continues to ignore our legitimate requests,” announced representatives of the National Commission of Victims of the Qualifying Examination for the practice of the legal profession at a press conference held on February 28. The latter also states that the health of the strikers has seriously deteriorated after six straight days of hunger. “Their condition is very serious. They have lost a lot of weight, their bodies are very weak and already suffer from stabbing pains in the back and joints,” reported the official page of the coordination this morning.
Before arriving at this extreme solution, the rejected candidates have already tried to defend their cause by going to court to demand the revision of their papers. Others have chosen to demonstrate in front of the parliament in Rabat, demanding the cancellation of the controversial results. Suspected of being falsified, the results have been the source of popular demands for an investigation and multiple challenges from human rights activists and political parties.
A real outcry that ultimately did not lead to the results expected by the angry candidates. “
The Minister of Justice Abdelatif Ouahbi and the government continue to ignore the grievances of candidates. Worse, while they are dying after six days of hunger strike, Ouahbi continues to ignore and camp, with arrogance, on his positions against opening an investigation about these results, “said the activist usfpéiste Hanane Rihab. Accusing the minister of being unable to manage this crisis, Rihab considers his attitude “irresponsible” and endangers the lives of Moroccan citizens.
A call among many others addressed to Ouabi to sit down at the table with the candidates and open dialogue. “In vain! While they agonize for their cause, the ministry signs their death warrant by maintaining the date of the oral tests of this exam scheduled for March 1, 2, 3 and 4, “regrets for his part the human rights activist Mustapha Sahmi, on the facebook page of the leader of strikers Amine Nasro-Allah, which has become a forum for supporters of the cause of candidates.
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