Conceived by the TotalEnergies Corporate Foundation with the Michelin Foundation, the VIA international educational program aims to strengthen safe mobility education for all. The program is deployed in 40 countries with 350,000 young people to date, and was introduced in Morocco in 2018 by the Sanady Foundation.
“With the goal of having 15,000 beneficiary students in the Casablanca Settat region, the development of the VIA program in Morocco is now taking on a new dimension. Aimed at middle school students in the region, conducted in partnership with the Regional Academy of Education and Training (AREF) and the National Agency for Road Safety (NARSA), VIA offers awareness and engagement workshops as well as an international poster competition on the safety of young pedestrians on the way to school (VIA Creative),” reads a press release.
Supported by a hundred teachers trained to lead these dedicated workshops, VIA complements the Sanady Foundation’s school support program and makes school life more dynamic. Held in public schools, it is part of the extracurricular activities promoted by the Foundation for its 30,000 beneficiaries.
In each middle school, young people will create posters on the theme of safety for young pedestrians on their way to school and present their recommendations for safer mobility to the other students.
The best prevention poster chosen by each school will participate in the VlA national finals, which will select the group of young people who will represent Morocco in the international finals. The program runs until the end of October. After the Casa-Settat region, the ambition is to deploy it in other regions of Morocco from the next school year.
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