Rabbi Yoshiahu Yosef Pinto’s residence in Rabat became a pilgrimage on the occasion of the Jewish holiday of Passover, which is celebrated by the Moroccan rabbi on the territory of the Kingdom, after a tour that took him to many countries and countries of the world.
Thousands of Moroccan Jews and other nationalities, whether living in Europe, the United States of America, Canada, or Israel, made a pilgrimage to the residence of Rabbi Pinto in the Moroccan capital to participate in the celebrations of “Pesah,” this holy holiday in the Jewish religion, which is comparable in its holiness to the month of Ramadan for Muslims.
Every day in his home, Rabbi “Legend” receives a large number of Jewish guests, who come to receive his blessing, listen to his advice and wisdom that they use to organize their lives, pray alongside him, and perform with him all the ceremonial rituals that he usually contains every year on this occasion.
On the occasion of Pesah and other religious events celebrated by Jews, the rabbi allocates material and food aid to be distributed to the poor and needy, both Jews and others, to bring joy and joy to their hearts, and urges his followers and followers, from all over the world, to do the same, giving many alms to those in need. The same thing his organization, Shuva Israel, is doing worldwide.
Moroccan Jews are keen to make the necessary preparations for Pesah, preparing to receive him a month in advance, repainting the walls, buying new furniture, and replacing utensils.
The celebrations of Passover conclude with the “Mimouna” celebration of the Jews of Morocco, in which Muslim families used to prepare baked goods, sweets, and pies for their Jewish friends and neighbors and participate in the celebrations. Even after they immigrated to Israel, this custom accompanied them, where “Mimouna” became a semi-official holiday in the Hebrew state. They are also keen to read the “Haggadah” after circling the table and reliving different stories and tales about the period of the exodus from Egypt, then enjoy drinking four glasses of wine and eating various types of traditional foods served on this occasion, except for bread and leaven, which are forbidden to them, in addition to singing some songs associated with this holiday, which has a special place in their hearts.
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