The Chemical and Para-chemical Federation (FCP), one of the most active Moroccan Federations, contributes substantially to Morocco’s industrial GDP. In a bid to open up to the world stage further and to build lasting partnerships with international companies and groups operating in the chemical sector, the FCP organizes—under the oversight of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and in close collaboration with AMDIE—the First International Chemicals Forum, in Rabat, on May 17-18, 2023, around the theme: “Morocco as a Future World Chemicals Hub.”
This unique event, centered on the Chemical business, is also organized in partnership with: OCP, CGEM, ASMEX, FMIIP, and FMP. It purports to federate all the actors operating in the chemicals sector, to provide a platform for strategic business encounters, and to enable international actors to tap collaboration opportunities with their Moroccan peers for the purpose of ushering a new era for the Moroccan chemical industry.
The program of the forum promises to be rich and diverse thanks to the contributions of high-caliber participants who are scheduled to tackle topics and focal issues of reflection, covering all the areas of interests within the sector, including: Competencies/skills. Human Resources, Research and Development, Innovation, Sourcing, Financing, Investment Follow-through, Solutions incorporating Sustainable Development, Market intelligence, as well as other professional areas of concern.
In addition to foreign guests—the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Spanish Official Chamber of Trade, Industry, and Navigation in Morocco, the First Chemicals and Para-chemical Forum—will also witness the participation of several institutional partners of the Chemical and Para-chemical Industry Federation, particularly, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, as well as AMDIE.
The Forum will consist of plenary sessions, organized around panels with Keynote speakers. Along the same lines, a Chemicals Village, a focal point of the event, will be organized in the form of an exhibition and interaction platform for the various participants. In the same vein, several themes, addressed by national and foreign experts and specialists, are programed for these two days, notably: Baseline Survey and Development Potential of Moroccan and African Chemical Industry; Fine Chemicals and Specialties; the National Chemical and Para-chemical Ecosystem.
For more information: https://www.forum-chimie.ma/
Brief overview of the Chemical and Para-chemical Federation and of the Chemical Sector in Morocco
The Chemical and Para-chemical Federation is one of the most active federations in Morocco. Since 1993, its actors have formed and become part of a professional association, endowed with a legal personality and financial autonomy. Its members comprise private or public Moroccan companies in the chemical sector and subsidiaries of foreign groups that are installed in Morocco.
In addition to such major operators in the sector as OCP, SNEP, SCE CHEMICALS, COLORADO, BASF, BAYER, AIR LIQUIDE, Unilever, P&G, Air Liquide…, the Chemical and Para-chemical Federation comprises several associations as members, notably: CropLife Maroc, AMIFE, COSMEM, AMIPEC, AMOD, AMGIM).
The chemical and Para-chemical industry sector federates 1,600 companies employing upwards of 60,000 people. In 2022, these companies made 11 billion Dirhams worth of investment and a total turnover of 190 billion Dirhams, of which 120 billion were generated thanks to exports.
The sector is made up of major Moroccan groups, multinational subsidiaries, as well as several hundred small and medium-sized companies, operating in 10 diversified chemical clusters. The sector is strongly interconnected to the country’s other industrial and economic activities, upstream and downstream, alike.
With its new global trade-lines, Morocco has been able, within a few years only, to firmly place the aeronautical and automotive sectors on the world-map. In the same vein, and thanks to the last evolutions and to its sound fundaments, the chemical industry sector seems to be well-poised to bolster Morocco’s position in world trade.
OCP Group’s investment project, which has been presented before the Sovereign, is the embodiment of the Royal determination to make of Morocco a world hub in the production and distribution of fertilizers and green energies.
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