In Marrakech, the elements of the judicial police of the 4th district Lamhamid have put an end to the criminal career of a young criminal, who targeted cars parked in corners of the city. Operating at night, he perpetrated thefts inside cars. During his arrest and the search of his house, the investigators seized an iPhone, the result of a theft from inside a car, which was the subject of a complaint filed with the police of the 20th district.
The elements of the same police district have begun the necessary investigations to clarify a case of attempted burglary of a store selling clothing for children. Indeed, the thugs managed to break the padlocks of the store last Monday, around dawn. But the return of the faithful of the mosque, after having performed the prayer of Al Fajr, did not allow them to complete their criminal act and they took the powder of escape.
In addition, one of the two thugs who stole a moped was arrested in Tamansourt, by elements of the judicial police under the 3rd district. Indeed, the arrest of this young offender took place after viewing images of a video surveillance installed near the scene of the crime. His accomplice who did not appear clearly in the recording has just been identified by the detectives who are actively looking for him.
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