Organized by the Timitar association, under the High Patronage of HM King Mohammed VI, “this unifying event on the Moroccan cultural and artistic scene returns this year with a refreshing ambience, inviting once again the bewitching encounter of two cultural dimensions, where Amazigh artists welcome world music”, says a press release from the organizers.
This year’s event takes on particular significance following the Sovereign’s historic decision to declare the Amazigh New Year a public holiday in Morocco”, adding that “this honor enriches the spirit of the festival and strengthens our cultural heritage”.
As in previous editions, Timitar offers a colorful musical and artistic program based on the values of tolerance and living together.
three days, more than 60 artists will thrill festival-goers with Amazigh rhythms and melodies from around the world, celebrating diversity and harmony through 21 concerts on the stages of the “Al Amal” square and the Théâtre de Verdure.
“From the Amazigh heritage to the new Moroccan pop scene, via the varied rhythms of Africa, the Middle East and Europe, Timitar embodies its openness by bringing together artists from diverse musical universes, illustrating a magnificent intercultural dialogue”, stresses the press release.
True to its identity, Timitar will pay tribute to the Amazigh heritage with emblematic figures of the Rways art, such as Aicha Tachinouite, Houssine Amerrakchi, and Aârab Atigui, and the groups Hamid Inerzf, and Larbi imghrane, according to the same source, which specifies that the art of “Ahwach”, an inescapable pillar of Amazigh culture, will as usual open all the stages.
The new national and Arab pop scene is present this year, with the participation of Manal Benchlikha, Zakaria Ghafouli, Ilyass Dystinct, Amine Babylone and Labesse from Algeria, and the group Adonis from Lebanon.
music will be represented by the famous Malian duo Amadou et Mariam, the group T’arma N-Tiniri from Ouarzzazate and the group Bab L’Bluz, a Franco-Moroccan fusion of Gnawa and Hassani music, notes the Timitar association, adding that one of the highlights of this edition will be the return of the Lebanese diva of oriental song, Najwa Karam, to the delight of the Gadiri public.
A major cultural event in Agadir, Timitar is organized in partnership with the Souss-Massa region, the municipality of Agadir, the Wilaya of the region, the Prefecture of Agadir Idda Outanane, the Association Régionale de l’Industrie Hôtelière d’Agadir, the Conseil régional du Tourisme, sponsors and local authorities.
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