They are four criminals who spread terror throughout the four corners of the economic capital. But their journey has come to an end, and they have been brought to justice.
Each of the four thugs, prosecuted under arrest before the criminal division of the Casablanca Court of Appeal for criminal conspiracy, robbery, attempted rape, assault and battery, and possession of bladed weapons, asserted that they had nothing to do with the other suspects, that they had never known them or come across them anywhere, and that they were innocent. However, the statements recorded in the minutes of their hearings attest that they are all members of the same gang.
A man who was about to start his moped was confronted by two of the four thugs brandishing knives and threatening to kill him if he resisted. It was 10pm,” said the victim in his complaint. Having no choice, he allowed them to search his pockets, which contained a small sum of three hundred dirhams and his smartphone. As if that wasn’t enough, they even took his moped.
Their crimes, according to the case file, went beyond the assaults that spared no corner of the economic capital. They even went as far as attempted rape. Recounting her story to the court’s three magistrates, she couldn’t hold back her tears. According to her statement, she still couldn’t believe that a strange fate had saved her. Recalling what had happened to her, she said that she had just left her aunt’s home in the Lalla Meriem district a little late that evening. It wasn’t the first time she’d taken the same route to catch a large cab. But it was the first time she’d found herself in trouble. One of the four thugs cut her off,” she told the court. With a knife in his hand, he ordered her to accompany him without attracting anyone’s attention. Not knowing what to do, she stared at the glinting blade of the knife. She remained silent, trembling. Of course, she begged him to let her go home. But to no avail, she told the court, adding that he led her to a small vacant lot that appeared to be laid out like a small soccer pitch. Behind a wall, he asked her to remain silent. Suddenly, the other three members of the gang joined him, so that she found herself between four thugs who intended to take turns raping her. However, she was not to be, as the four thugs were attacked by a group of youngsters who came to the young woman’s rescue. Three of the four thugs escaped and only one was arrested by the young men, who handed him over to the police. The other three were caught hiding in a room with neighbors.
Verdict: found guilty of the charges laid against them, each of the four thugs was sentenced to ten years’ imprisonment.
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