The fight against corruption is a Moroccan dream that seems to come true!

Following its entry into force in 2021, Law 46-19 concerning the Instance Nationale de la Probité, de la Prévention et de la Lutte contre la Corruption (INPPLC) extended the scope of the body’s activities and conferred significant powers on it. This new situation marks the end of the transition period that began in 2018 with the appointment of Mohamed Bachir Rachdi by HM King Mohammed VI to head the INPPLC. The constitutional body’s annual report for 2022 confirms that, despite some progress, Morocco continues to stagnate in international anti-corruption rankings. 

With a Corruption Perception Index (CPI) score of 38/100 in 2022, Morocco has seen a drop of five points over the past four years. The country thus ranks ninth among Arab nations and occupies a median position in Africa, ahead of eleven other African countries. According to the Arab Barometer published in October 2022, Morocco still faces a significant prevalence of corruption, with perceptions of it on the rise, particularly among populations in situations of poverty, vulnerability and marginalization. 

In order to gain an objective and comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon of corruption, the INPPLC has initiated a national survey on corruption aimed at assessing the extent and evolution of this problem over time within the country. This initiative consists of two separate surveys, one targeting citizens (residents and MREs), and the other focusing on businesses.

The results of the first part of this survey of resident citizens and Moroccans living abroad reveal a largely negative perception of corruption. Among the most striking findings, corruption ranks sixth among the main concerns of resident citizens, and third among Moroccans living abroad. 

According to respondents, the health sector is the most heavily affected by corruption, followed by political parties, the government, parliament and trade unions. Corruption is particularly widespread in recruitment, appointments and career advancement in the public sector. It is also present in the areas of social assistance, the issuing of licenses, approvals, derogations and exceptional authorizations. 

With regard to respondents’ statements concerning their own exposure, or that of members of their household, to at least one form of corruption included in this survey, the rates indicate that this practice affects one person in four among resident citizens. It is also stressed that the sectors most affected by these practices are the gendarmerie, transport, police, health in the public sector, justice, urban planning and housing, real estate in the private sector, as well as caïdats and Pachaliks. 

In view of these findings, the INPPLC insists on the need to review the approaches adopted to date and to take firmer, more vigorous measures. The Forum believes that this requirement is in perfect harmony with its repeated call since 2019 to accelerate a genuine transition to a new phase in the fight against corruption. This transition must be capable of generating momentum leading to practical results and palpable effects in the daily lives of citizens, investors and economic and social players.

The report also presents a series of strategic recommendations for stepping up the fight against corruption by promoting institutional convergence and complementarity. These recommendations cover key areas such as education and training to promote values of probity, transparency in public services, public-private partnerships, the adoption of anti-corruption laws, the mobilization of society, and the creation of a dissuasive environment.  

The report highlights the need for greater responsiveness on the part of the parties concerned to implement these recommendations, and stresses the importance of coordination between all stakeholders to effectively combat corruption. 

In addition, the document recalls the Forum’s previous recommendations, notably concerning digital transformation, regulation and investigative journalism, underlining the importance of transparency, integrity and corruption prevention in these areas.  

Finally, it highlights the need to strengthen institutional convergence and complementarity in the fight against corruption, by proposing coordination mechanisms with various authorities and institutions, while encouraging the participation and contribution of all stakeholders to achieve the common goal of effectively combating corruption.

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