Two gangs of six treasure hunters were recently dismantled by members of the Royal Gendarmerie in Smimou, in the province of Essaouira.
The first gang involved a gendarme and a local councillor. With information about the existence of treasures buried for centuries in a mosque in the rural commune of Sidi Hmad Ou Hamed, the two friends – the gendarme and the local councillor – approached the imam to reveal the existence of the treasures and their goal of exhuming them. They proposed that he join them in facilitating the task, promising that he would have his share of the cake. The appointment was made. Seeking advice, the imam spoke to someone close to him. The latter wasted no time in revealing the secret to the douar’s inhabitants, who soon surrounded the two treasure hunters in the mosque with the intention of starting the digging operation. Alerted, the gendarmes rushed to the scene and arrested the gendarme and his friend, the local councillor.
Another gang of four treasure hunters was dismantled while digging at night in a wasteland in the Sidi Borji area of the Tidzi rural commune.
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