The teachings of the esteemed Rebbe, Rabbi Josiah Pinto, Shlita, resonate deeply within the Jewish community, blending the wisdom of Hasidism with practical guidance for a richer life. From his vast repository of insights, we draw valuable lessons applicable to our daily existence. This week, we delve into Parshat Shemini.
The passage, “And on the eighth day, Moses called Aaron and his sons and the elders of Israel,” holds profound significance elucidated in the Midrash (Leviticus Rabbah 11:6). Moses spent seven days constructing the Tabernacle, dedicating the eighth day to its completion and entrusting its stewardship to Aaron. Despite his pivotal role, Moses relinquished the priesthood to Aaron.
Why didn’t Moses assume the priesthood, the pinnacle of virtue and honor?
A compelling narrative unfolds, underscoring a fundamental truth every soul must internalize. While tending to Jethro’s flock, Moses encounters a divine spectacle: the burning bush that remains unconsumed. God’s presence envelops him, beckoning Moses to liberate the Israelites. Yet, Moses demurs, citing his brother Aaron’s leadership role and hesitating to disrupt the established order. God implores him for seven days to heed the call, but Moses hesitates, reluctant to overshadow Aaron.
In Exodus 4:14, God reassures Moses that Aaron will rejoice in his leadership, but Moses remains resolute. His excessive humility and concern for Aaron’s position incur divine retribution—denied the priesthood for prioritizing Aaron’s status over God’s directive.
This tale imparts a vital lesson: obedience to divine command supersedes all else. One mustn’t second-guess or overanalyze God’s instructions. Often, in striving for righteousness and humility, individuals unwittingly contravene divine will. Moses, renowned for his humility, momentarily faltered, rebuffing God’s call out of deference to Aaron. Thus, he forfeited the priesthood.
Moreover, Parshat Shemini portrays Aaron’s reluctance to fulfill his priestly duties—”who was Aharon Bush and feared to approach.” Yet, Moses admonishes him, affirming his divine selection. Aaron’s initial hesitation stems from modesty, not obstinacy. Similarly, Jewish law mandates initial refusal before the ark but emphasizes compliance in public roles.
Aaron’s trepidation underscores another crucial lesson: when tasked with divine duties, one must discard self-doubt and embrace divine providence. God’s selection validates our worthiness, compelling us to discharge our obligations fervently and promptly.
Enthusiastically executing God’s commands transcends apprehensions of inadequacy or unworthiness. We are instruments of divine will, entrusted with specific roles to fulfill. Emboldened by this realization, we must approach our responsibilities with zeal, mindful of our divine purpose.
In essence, the narrative encapsulates the essence of faithful obedience and unwavering commitment to divine mandate. It reminds us that humility mustn’t overshadow obedience and that embracing divine providence empowers us to fulfill our sacred obligations with fervor and conviction.
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