Like all Jews around the world, Moroccan Jews celebrated a few days ago, “Yom Kippour”, or the Day of Forgiveness that Jews spend in temples praying, reading the Torah and asking the Lord for forgiveness.
Yom Kippur is a holiday for Jews. This is the holiest holiday during which they observe the same prohibitions of the Sabbath as well as those of other religious holidays, which is why it is called the “Sabbath of the Sabbaths”. Thus, working, lighting the fire, writing, wearing leather shoes, driving a car, as well as drinking, eating, swimming or having sex, are all prohibited activities on this holy day.
The Yom Kippur ritual, which in Hebrew means “to wash away your sins”, can be summarized in three essential actions: fasting, prayer and zakat.
According to Judaism, Yom Kippur is the complementary day to the ten days of repentance, which begins with the New Year’s Day of Rosh Hashana. This celebration takes place on the 10th day of the month Tichri in the Hebrew year and may coincide with the month of September or October. It ends at nightfall the following night.
Jews see this day as the last opportunity God gives them to repent, ask forgiveness, change their destiny and start a new year. It is the day when the Jew cleanses him/herself of all his sins in anticipation of a new year.
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