The Parisian daily Le Parisien brings the news: the Paris court of appeal has ruled that the famous Moroccan singer should be brought to trial for the rape of a young woman, the now famous Laura Prioul. The court overturned the judge’s decision, which had reclassified the events at the Marriott hotel in Paris as “sexual assault” on October 26, 2016.
The Moroccan star has recently performed a series of concerts in an attempt to overshadow the series of abuse scandals, sexual assaults and rapes he is suspected of having committed in the past few months behind him.
In detail, and still according to Le Parisien, the investigating chamber of the Paris court of appeal decided, in a ruling handed down on Tuesday 21 January, to send the singer back to the assize court for the alleged rape of a young woman.
“We are satisfied with this decision. The examining magistrate’s chamber made a rigorous reading and analysis of the facts, and did not follow the prosecutor’s request for confirmation of the referral back to the criminal court. Rape is a crime, it is the court of assizes which is competent”, comments Me Jean-Marc Descoubes, lawyer of Laura Prioul, the plaintiff.
For now, Saâd Lamjarred denies any responsibility in this case. Just as he rejects any sexual act and violence against the young woman. After being dropped by his first defense, he is now represented by Thierry Herzog and Jean-Marc Fédida. The latter intend to launch an appeal in cassation in order to avoid a trial by jury.
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