Digital publishing is spreading in Morocco. According to the report of the King Abdul Aziz-Al Saoud Foundation on the situation of publishing and books in Morocco in the fields of literature, humanities and social sciences in 2018-2019, “the share of Moroccan digital publications has increased from 3.4% in 2015-2016 to 20.31%”. “The analysis of the balance of the year covered by this report shows that this is indeed an important dynamic that is changing the fields of the main components of the traditional publishing field,” said the report.
In analyzing digital publishing in 2018-2019, the Foundation identified 745 books and 112 issues of regular journals. These are are published in Arabic (88 issues) and French (24 issues).
They cover several specialties such as law (67 issues), economics (23 issues), social issues (16 issues) and philosophy (6 issues). These journals were published mainly by private institutions (58 issues), public institutions (24 issues) and professional associations and groups (22 issues). Only 7 digital journals were published by public universities, while only one private journal initiative was registered in 2018-2019.
According to the assessment carried out by the King Abdul Aziz-Al Saud Foundation in 2018-2019, the linguistic distribution of books in Morocco reveals a significant presence of the Arabic language in the digital field with 439 titles, followed by French with 255 titles. The English language comes in third place with 50 titles. Only one title was published in German. This configuration is explained, according to the Foundation, by the nature of the most important publishers in Morocco, which publish 20 titles and more. These are mainly public institutions such as the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Bank Al Maghrib, the High Commission for Planning, etc. The Mouminoun Bila Hudud Foundation remains the leading producer of Arabic-language books (303). It also makes great efforts in the field of translation (77 titles).
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