After introducing a night curfew for the month of Ramadan, the authorities have drawn up a list of cases excluded from the obligation to comply with this new measure.
In a statement issued yesterday, the Interior Ministry announced the decision to ban night travel except for those working or engaged in vital and essential sectors and activities, but without specifying which ones.
Today, a new statement from the Ministry specifies in detail what these exceptions are, many of which require permits to travel after 7pm.
You will find in the list of those exempted from this unconditional decision :
– Medical, paramedical and pharmaceutical staff as well as medical transport workers.
– Agents and officers of authority, National Security services, Royal Armed Forces services, civil defense services, the services of the General Delegation for Prison Administration and Rehabilitation and the services of the Customs and Indirect Taxation Administration.
– People in medical emergencies.
On the other hand, the following cases are required to present a certificate signed and sealed by their bosses justifying their night work:
– The staff of the duty services of public administrations.
– Executives of public media institutions and private radio stations.
– Intervention teams operating in basic sectors of public utility (water, electricity, sanitation and cleaning, telecommunications, motorways).
– Religious officials and muezzins.
– People working in activities directly related to the daily life of citizens and requiring night work such as butcher shops, bakeries, as well as people in charge of transporting goods.
– People working in industrial, agricultural and sea fishing activities that require night work, including the pharmaceutical, textile, food processing, energy and mining industries, as well as the port and aviation sectors.
– Staff in call centers and cash handling companies.
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