Interviewed by “L’Yonne Républicaine”, the photographer gives comforting news and blames the society of over-consumption.
Yann Arthus-Bertrand’s heath state is improving. Having been infected by Covid-19, the French photographer and filmmaker gives reassuring news in an interview with “L’Yonne Républicaine”.
“It’s better, but I had a very bad week in which I slept a lot. I didn’t eat, since I lost my sense of taste and smell. I had lost six kilos of weight, which I regained. My condition was not a serious one”, Yann Arthus-Bertrand starts his interview, before going on to talk more generally about the environment and the over-consumption that he witnessed during this period.
The director of the film Human, available free on YouTube, disagrees with primatologist Jane Goodall, who said “We’re responsible for the Covid-19 crisis”. He added: “Viruses have always existed on our planet, they regulate life. At the same time, human consumption has exploded worldwide”.
Considering a New Approach to Consumption
“The real problem is industrial animal husbandry. These millions of animals crowded together, loaded with antibiotics, are nests for diseases like swine fever. If bats had not been offered for sale in markets, there would have been no Coronavirus,” explains Yann Arthus-Bertrand.
He also explains what lessons ought to be learnt from this pandemic and describes how to organize oneself in life after the confinement: “It would be important to provide support to certain professions such as farmers, who are in direct contact with the land. Of course, calling for labor to pick up their crops is fine, but their income would have to be increased. Returning to the short circuit system is a good thing. Realize that food should be made around us rather than at the ends of the earth.”
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