As usual, and despite his state of health as well as health emergency measures, Rabbi Yoshiyaho Pinto does not fail to get regular updates about the Jewish community affairs. For example, a few days ago he visited the Jewish slaughterhouse in Casablanca to supervise the slaughtering operations in accordance with the rituals of the Jewish religion and to ensure that they are “kosher”, before the halal meat is distributed to Jewish butchers.
According to a source close to the Moroccan Rabbi, who presides over the Rabbinical Court of Casablanca, confirmed on the “Moroccan Jewish Times” website that everything was done properly and that Rabbi Pinto personally verified the safety of the slaughter operations and their compliance with Kashruth.
Before going to the slaughterhouse, Rabbi Pinto took every precaution, wearing a mask and medical gloves. He also kept a safe distance and was not accompanied by many staff.
Since becoming the head of the Rabbinical Court of Casablanca, and the creation of the “Yeshiva” to teach Torah to members of the Jewish community in Morocco at the Beth-El Synagogue in Casablanca, Rabbi Pinto has made a point of being present at all religious and other celebrations and events, in order to reassure Moroccan Jews about the safety and suitability of what they eat in Kashrut. The last event in which he took part, was the supervision of the halal sacrifice on the occasion of Pesach, which coincided with the sanitary confinement.
Furthermore, Rabbi Pinto is keen to answer any questions Moroccan Jews may have, through social networks and other applications. For example, he responds to community members’ questions with videos that attract a large audience, as was the case with the video that was broadcast on the anniversary of the death of Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai, commonly known as the “Lag BaOmerr” festival, and which was watched by more than a million people.
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