On Thursday in Rabat, the Government Council agreed to extend the state of health emergency until 10 September 2020, as part of ongoing efforts to prevent the spread of the pandemic of the new Coronavirus (Covid-19).
Accordingly, the Government Council, which met under the chairmanship of the Head of Government, Mr. Saad Dine El Otmani, adopted a draft decree No. 2.20.526 which extends the state of health emergency to the entire national territory.
This draft decree was submitted to the Council of Government by the Minister of the Interior. It is part of the implementation of the provisions of Article 02 of Decree-Law No. 2.20. 292 which allows the government authorities in charge of Interior and Health to extend the period of the state of health emergency. The Minister of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research, Government Spokesman, Mr. Saaid Amzazi, said in a statement read during a press briefing held at the end of the Council.
This draft is also in line with the government’s desire to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of measures taken to combat the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, said Mr. Amzazi. He added that this legal text aims to extend the period of validity of the state of health emergency throughout the national territory from Monday, August 10 at 18:00 to September 10, 2020 at 18h00″. Similar to the previous phases, the Minister continued, “all preventive and repressive measures taken in the framework of the state of health emergency will remain in force and will be adapted whenever necessary”.
Moreover, the draft decree also gives the walis and governors, in the light of the available data on the situation of the epidemic at the level of a province, a prefecture, a commune or more, the right to take all procedural measures necessary to preserve public health order, whether of a predictive, preventive or protective nature; to impose an optional or compulsory health containment order or temporary restrictions encouraging people to stay in their homes; to limit their movement, prohibit their assembly, or close premises open to the public or decide on any other measure falling within the competence of the administrative police, said the Minister.
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