The research and studies carried out to elucidate the phenomenon of collapse of bee colonies, detected recently in the Kingdom, have attributed its appearance to an interaction of several factors including climatic and environmental, said Friday in Rabat, the Minister of Agriculture, Maritime Fishing, Rural Development and Water and Forests, Mohamed Sadiki.
“It is rather a phenomenon that is due to an interaction of several factors, climatic and environmental among others, but not a specific disease,” said Sadiki, who was speaking at a scientific symposium on bee colony collapse disorder, initiated by the ministry through the National Office of Food Safety (ONSSA).
Specifically, these factors are related to climatic conditions such as the increase in temperature and the deficit of precipitation, to environmental conditions such as the insufficiency of pastures in quantity and quality, to conditions related to the sanitary state of the apiaries and the means of prevention used, as well as to conditions related to the practices and the conduct of the beekeeping farms, he specified.
The minister noted that the department of agriculture through the ONSSA was quickly mobilized with the involvement of the Moroccan interprofessional federation of beekeeping (FIMAP), recalling that large-scale investigations were immediately initiated in the field to determine the extent of this phenomenon and elucidate the factors that have favored its appearance.
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