In Morocco, the impacts of the global climate phenomenon are already particularly harsh in the Mediterranean basin. In the face of this shock, which jeopardizes the satisfaction of vital needs in terms of mobilization of sufficient quantities of water to satisfy the various uses, our country can boast of having an important hydraulic infrastructure already established thanks to the enlightened vision of His Majesty Hassan II, who very early on launched the vast construction site for the building of dams. The Kingdom’s water security has since continued to be a strategic and priority project in view of the various advances made over the last two decades.
Thus, 127 new hill dams will be built by 2024. The mobilization of “conventional” water through large or medium-sized infrastructures is not sufficient, however, if the management of these resources is not effective.
The challenge is to satisfy the water needs of the various types of current users while taking into account the needs of future generations, but also by allowing natural ecosystems to have their share of water resources so that they can continue to provide the valuable ecosystem services that guarantee -among others- a better mitigation of the impacts of climate change.
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