At a time when there are no diplomatic channels left between Morocco and Algeria, the Algerian authorities had to call on their Minister of Justice, Abderrachid Tebbi, to transmit the invitation to the Moroccan authorities. In a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on September 7, the Kingdom announced that the Algerian minister will travel to Rabat to deliver the invitation to the next summit of the Arab League.
“As part of the preparation of the next Arab Summit, scheduled to take place in Algiers on November 1, 2022, the Algerian authorities have decided to send several emissaries to Arab capitals, carrying invitations to all the Heads of State of the member countries of the Arab League,” the statement said, adding that the Algerian Minister of Justice will be sent to Morocco, after Saudi Arabia and Jordan, while the Minister of Interior will deliver the same invitation to the Summit to Tunisia and Mauritania.
The next Arab Summit “will be a success insofar as Algeria has no other intention behind the organization of this Summit than to work for the unification of Arab ranks,” said Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune, July 31.
This statement was issued on the sidelines of the 158th session of the Council of the League of Arab States at the level of foreign ministers, currently held in Cairo, which takes part, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nasser Bourita. The latter took this opportunity to call for the Arab League Summit to be held “on the basis of a commitment to responsibility, far from any narrow calculations or outdated logic.
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