MJT New York – Recently quite of a lot happens in A2Z Capital, Yossef Azour, founder and CEO of the firm telling MJT they started with series of buildings buyouts in Williamsburg. “We see lots of potential in this space, the market is going through heavy repricing phase due to inflation and that brings new oppurtunities” says Azour
“182 South 2nd Street building already purchased and more to come on the next few months, our investors beleive in us, A2Z Capital has more than 15 years of consistent ROI, on the last year we see increase our investors circle in 50%, real estate will stay always a good investment” says Azour.
A2Z Capital refreshed completely their branding launching new website has launched recently showing the whole A2Z a2z.capital which is quite impressive. We are going to move forward faster says Azour, our investement portfolio will hit $100M.

What exactly A2Z Capital is planning? “Our strategy is very clear, grow the investment fund and bring more value to our investors, our business model is very unique, our investors are part of the company and that’s why they have the trust and gains, Investors come first, yearly returns we secure and thats why we grow” Says Azour

We catched Yossi and his wife Rachel recently visited Monte Carlo and we were able to capture some of their posts

A2Z Capital is a botique real estate firm capitilized by private investors and specializing in buying, sellng $2M-$10M properties with high returns for investors.
For more information: a2z.capital – Investors Relations: [email protected]
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