Leading his life at the beach David, seaside town located in the town of El Mansouria, between Bouznika and Mohammedia, is no longer synonymous with rest and peace. Several acts of aggression, theft and burglary have been recorded in this area. The reigning insecurity is of great concern to the inhabitants of the city.
As a result, they decided to hold a meeting to resolve the problem posed, for lack of responsiveness from the authorities.
The meeting which was normally scheduled at the owners’ club, did not take place at this place because of its closure by the president of a local association, under the pretext of maintenance work, on two occasions (Sunday 18 September 2022 and Sunday 2 October). This closure was considered abusive and coincided with the two residents’ meetings and was intended, according to witnesses, to prevent the meeting from taking place.
This did not prevent the residents from meeting to exchange and agree on the problem that persists: insecurity.
The inhabitants are still waiting for a return from the authorities to remedy this problem. The city does not yet have a police station. A claim so much posed by the residents who are always witnesses of dramas, but also victims of assaults and burglaries, as it was the case during the attempt of clandestine migration that occurred last February, making two dead and several missing.
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