For the past season, their number was close to 67,000, a regression of about 7%. But this season, there is a clear recovery, since their number has increased to nearly 80,000, gathered around 2,000 associations. The official kick-off was given in Benslimane by Abderrahim Houmi, Director General of the National Agency for Water and Forests (ANEF), who called “hunters to adhere to the development program of the sector by respecting the organizational measures set, including the number of game and the preservation of protected areas”.The activity is carried out in open areas, called free, and in hunting territories leased to associations and organizers of tourist hunting. These sites total an area exceeding 3.6 million hectares, distributed over 1,385 lots, of which 151 are reserved for tourist hunting and 1,167 lots for hunting associations. “Morocco enjoys a significant geographical diversity generating a wealth of fauna and flora favorable for the development of an ecosystem of hunting, whether of tourist or sporting type. It is a very interesting offer that attracts not only Moroccans, but also foreigners. Tours are organized, generating multiple effects of training, “said M’hamed Khassoumi, operator of hunting in the region of Ziayda, under Benslimane.
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